Tag: sadhana

  • Seven Ways In Which Hearing Sacred Texts Purifies the Mind

    Dhanudhara Swami on Bhakti’s First Limb: Sravanam (Hearing)

  • Japa Thoughts I

    Japa takes concentration. A moment of inattention and the mind jumps from the mantra to mundane thought. We even sometimes become lost in one of the deep groves of attachment (samskaras) embedded in our consciousness, sliding on the path of those impressions until good sense drags us back to the holy name.

  • Yoga Journal’s Abstract Impressions of Bhakti

    Yoga Journal’s June, 2008 issue features an article by Nora Issacs entitled “Everyday Ecstasy – See the Divine in everything, when you practice bhakti, the yoga of devotion”. In the magazine’s Editor’s Letter it is mentioned, “we welcome the criticism and praise we receive from readers – it helps us to ‘refine our alignment’ and…