Tag: Rupa Goswami

  • 108 Names of Lord Krishna

    Aug 13, 2009 marks the celebration of Sri Krishna Janmashtami (the Birth of Lord Krishna). On this day it is a common practice to chant 108 names of Krishna. Below you will find a particular collection of 108 names composed by Srila Rupa Goswami which is included in his most beautiful collection of prayers named…

  • Radha Govinda Temple / Photos by Robert Stoetzel

    SLIDESHOW: Striking photos of Vrindavan’s Radha Govinda Temple by Robert Stoetzel.

  • Nine Symptoms of Advanced Bhakti

    suddha-sattva-viseshatma prema-suryamsu-samya-bhak rucibhis citta-masrinya- krid asau bhava ucyate “‘When bhakti is executed on the transcendental platform of pure goodness (suddha-sattva), it is like a sun-ray of love for Krishna. At such a time, bhakti causes the heart to be softened by various tastes, and one is then situated in bhava (ecstatic emotion).” Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (1.3.1)