• 108 Names of Lord Krishna

    Aug 13, 2009 marks the celebration of Sri Krishna Janmashtami (the Birth of Lord Krishna). On this day it is a common practice to chant 108 names of Krishna. Below you will find a particular collection of 108 names composed by Srila Rupa Goswami which is included in his most beautiful collection of prayers named…

  • Murals of the Krishna Balaram Temple

    SLIDESHOW: A photo collection of the murals which decorate the Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavan. Photos by Gitapriya dasi.

  • Feeling Separation from Krishna

    yugayitam nimesena caksusa pravrsayitm sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me “O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, a moment feels like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.’ (Sri Siksastaka, Verse 7) Inspirations For devotees of Krishna, the world…

  • Kirtan Podcast 3: In the Temple of My Heart

    PODCAST: A beautiful recording of Bhaktivinode Thakur’s Mama Mana Mandire (In the Temple of My Heart) sung by the bhajan group Spiritual Skyliner.

  • An Expression of Conviction in Bhakti

    From the Vaishnava Saint Bhaktivinoda Thakura: Give up the shackles of matter slowly. Cultivate your spirit inwardly. Give up prejudices which you have acquired from the so-called rational thinkers who deny the existence of spirit. Be humble in yourself and learn to respect those who work towards spiritual attainments. Do these with your heart, mind…

  • Sri Krishna Janmastami

    Best wishes to everyone on Sri Krishna Janmastami! For the occasion I thought I would offer something nice to meditate on in the form of the above painting, by Murlidhara das, and the lyrics to a beautiful song by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura about the desire for Krishna to appear in ones heart. Both the original…

  • Sri Krsna-Lila-Stava

    The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust has recently published Sanantana Goswami’s Sri Krishna-Lila-Stava: Adoration of Krishna’s Pastimes . Sanantana Goswami (1488-1558) was the senior most of Vrindavan’s “Six Goswamis”, all influential teachers of the bhakti path. The description below is adapted from the book’s dust jacket.

  • Prayers to Govardhan

    PODCAST: Prayers to Govardhan:The prayers of 16th century saint Raghunath das Goswami in glorification of the sacred Govardhan Hill. Chanting by Nityananda das.