• “The Yoga of Kirtan” Excerpt: Bhakti Charu Swami Interview

    An excerpt from Steven Rosen’s new book The Yoga of Kirtan – Conversations on the Sacred Art of Chanting. Steven Rosen: In our remaining time, can you talk a little more about kirtan? I know this is actually the center of your current practice and also the main theme of your recent temple, opened in…

  • The Divine Names: An Adventure Continued- Episode Two

    A group of us gathered in the bedroom after the wedding, and as the large reels of the tape recorder slowly revolved, the room filled with the sound of “the Swami” leading the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. I sang in response, answering his call. Looking back, the chanting on that August afternoon in…

  • The Divine Names: An Adventure

    My first connection with the Hare Krishna maha-mantra happened during the “Summer of Love” in August, 1967 in the course of a wedding within a three-room apartment in Powelton Village, the budding hippie district in Philadelphia. The wedding epitomized the time and place.

  • New Book on Kirtan

    Author Steven Rosen and FOLK Books have just released a new book on kirtan. From the press release: “The Yoga of Kirtan explores the history, musical dimensions, and emotional content of sacred chant. Through a series of intimate conversations, this volume brings it’s readers into the company of present-day kirtan masters, such as Krishna Das,…

  • Kirtan and Humility or: Scrambled Thoughts on Grass

    “One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state of mind one can chant constantly.” (Shri Shikshastakam…

  • Hari Sankirtan

    From A Portrait of the Hindus: Balthazar Solvyns & the European Image of India 1760-1824 More from Robert Hardgrave’s A Portrait of the Hindus: here is Balthazar Solvyns’s etching of a kirtan gathering in 18th century Calcutta. The term sankirtan – a compound of the Sanskrit words san (together), and kirtana (glorification) – refers to…

  • An Etching of the Khol

    From A Portrait of the Hindus: Balthazar Solvyns & the European Image of India 1760-1824 As promised, from Robert L. Hardgrave’s A Portrait of the Hindus, Balthazar Solvyns’s etching of the khol or mridanga drum. Here, I’ve provided a detail of the etching. The entire image can be found below. I’ve included an excerpt from…

  • PODCAST: As Kindred Spirits

    PODCAST: Kirtan by As Kindred Spirits, from their CD Nectar of Devotion.

  • Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and Raganuga Sadhana Bhakti

    ESSAY: Dhanurdhara Swami’s paper, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and Raganuga Sadhana Bhakti explores a central point of contention regarding the influence of Vaishnava reformer and modernizer, Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.