• In Loving Memory of Aindra Das

    In Loving Memory of Aindra Das: “His song was the cry of a dying man.A desolate voice accompanied only by a frail harmonium scale, slow and slightly off beat – crawling, barely dragging along. A man in the desert, drying up and desperate, crying for some water – just a small cup – just a…

  • An Appeal for the Merciful Sidelong Glance of Sri Radha

    Sometimes called the national anthem of Vrindavan, here is Sri Sri Radha-kripa-kataksha-stava-raja (The King of Prayers which Petitions the Merciful Sidelong Glance of Srimati Radharani) from the Urdhvamnaya-tantra. Spoken by Lord Shiva and composed in a lovely meter, this exceptional prayer is daily sung in a charming melody by many Brijabasis (Vrindavan residents).

  • Shivaratri in Vrindavan

    On February, 23 the celebration of Maha Shivaratri was observed at the ancient Temple of Gopishwara Mahadeva in Vrindavan. Vaishnava’s honor the various Devas, seeing them as exemplar devotees of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. So in Vrindavan, the holy town of Krishna bhakti, Krishna devotees, following the edict of Srimad-bhagavatam, Vaishnavanam yatha shambhu,[1. Shambhu (Lord…

  • December Vrindavan

    SLIDESHOW: Photos of Vrindavan’s Keshi Ghat in December by Robert Stoetzel.

  • Murals of the Krishna Balaram Temple

    SLIDESHOW: A photo collection of the murals which decorate the Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavan. Photos by Gitapriya dasi.

  • Kirtan Podcast 2: Aindra Das

    PODCAST: A live recording of Aindra Das at the Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavan.

  • Portraits from the Kunds of Govardhan

    SLIDESHOW: Portraits from the Kunds of Govardhan: Photos by Gitapriya dasi of some of the residents and pilgrims at the sacred kunds (lakes) at the foot of Govardhan Hill in Vrindavan.

  • Prayers to Govardhan

    PODCAST: Prayers to Govardhan:The prayers of 16th century saint Raghunath das Goswami in glorification of the sacred Govardhan Hill. Chanting by Nityananda das.