Tag: SacinandanaSwami

  • A Little Roadside Temple – and the Lamp of Devotion

    We have arrived in India and are on our way to Haridwar to enter the merciful waters of Mother Ganga. We will stay in the guesthouse of the Dev Sanskriti University for two days and deliver a workshop as part of their second festival on yoga, culture and spirituality. Then we will continue our pilgrimage…

  • Focus on the Essential and Escape the “Tyranny” of 1000 Urgent Things

    “There is no stronger obstruction to one’s self-interest than thinking other subject matters to be more pleasing than one’s own self-realization.” Srimad Bhagavatam 4.22.32

  • May You Be Blessed

    May your eyes be blessed with sweet tears of longing for the beloved of your heart, Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, for such tears cure the “mistaken outlook” and make the bitter tears of misery disappear.

  • Feeling Separation from Krishna

    yugayitam nimesena caksusa pravrsayitm sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me “O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, a moment feels like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence.’ (Sri Siksastaka, Verse 7) Inspirations For devotees of Krishna, the world…

  • Leaving the Noise of the Ten Thousand Little Things

    The Art of “Retreating” In this retreat I would like to go deep into myself, leaving all the different layers behind. I know that deep down in the very bottom of my heart a treasure is waiting for me. I can find it by the process of “spiritual archaeology.” I feel that this treasure will…

  • The Unexpected Call

    Ring! Ring! Ring! It’s already the second time this morning. The first time you ignored it—it’s far too early for phone calls. Normal people, you have learned, phone after 10:00 in the morning and before 10:00 at night. A little nervous you ask, “Who is there, please?” A long silence—a timid silence, almost as if…

  • Five Lessons from a Pencil

    When I was walking today, on the Island Mali Losinj, I felt my mind reach out over the blue sea to an island shimmering in the distance. When my mind returned, it brought a story with it, a story of spiritual instruction. Strange are the ways of inspiration. Here is the story: When Mohan returned…