Tag: Patanjali

  • A Review of Stephen Phillips’ Yoga, Karma and Rebirth

    Phillips rightly criticizes the trenchant world-denying escapism of classical Yoga, illustrating that it is both philosophically and yogically problematic. He rather embraces what is best in tantric thought: the idea that yoga practice is not merely meant for escape, but at best, to positively transform the world (especially ourselves as parts of the world).

  • New Yoga Sutras Translation

    Those who are familiar with Edwin Bryant know him to be both a scholar and a serious yoga practitioner. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (North Point Press 2009) is the product of both “sides” coming together in a wonderful way.

  • ESSAY: Dhanurdhara Swami discusses in depth “Is there therapy in the Vedas?” and examines the effect of one’s nature, actions, environment and heartfelt devotion on the development of a healthy mind.

  • Ishvara in the Yoga-sutras

    BOOK PREVIEW: In the following excerpt from his forthcoming book, a translation and extensive commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga-sutras, Dr. Edwin Bryant examines the classical commentaries on a section of the text while providing his own insights.