Tag: Patanjali
A Review of Stephen Phillips’ Yoga, Karma and Rebirth
Phillips rightly criticizes the trenchant world-denying escapism of classical Yoga, illustrating that it is both philosophically and yogically problematic. He rather embraces what is best in tantric thought: the idea that yoga practice is not merely meant for escape, but at best, to positively transform the world (especially ourselves as parts of the world).
New Yoga Sutras Translation
Those who are familiar with Edwin Bryant know him to be both a scholar and a serious yoga practitioner. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (North Point Press 2009) is the product of both “sides” coming together in a wonderful way.
ESSAY: Dhanurdhara Swami discusses in depth “Is there therapy in the Vedas?” and examines the effect of one’s nature, actions, environment and heartfelt devotion on the development of a healthy mind.
Ishvara in the Yoga-sutras
BOOK PREVIEW: In the following excerpt from his forthcoming book, a translation and extensive commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga-sutras, Dr. Edwin Bryant examines the classical commentaries on a section of the text while providing his own insights.