Tag: HolyPlaces

  • Shivaratri in Vrindavan

    On February, 23 the celebration of Maha Shivaratri was observed at the ancient Temple of Gopishwara Mahadeva in Vrindavan. Vaishnava’s honor the various Devas, seeing them as exemplar devotees of Lord Vishnu or Krishna. So in Vrindavan, the holy town of Krishna bhakti, Krishna devotees, following the edict of Srimad-bhagavatam, Vaishnavanam yatha shambhu,[1. Shambhu (Lord…

  • December Vrindavan

    SLIDESHOW: Photos of Vrindavan’s Keshi Ghat in December by Robert Stoetzel.

  • Murals of the Krishna Balaram Temple

    SLIDESHOW: A photo collection of the murals which decorate the Krishna Balaram Temple in Vrindavan. Photos by Gitapriya dasi.

  • Photos of Srirangam

    Resting on an island in the Kaveri River in Tamil Nadu, South India, is the city of Sri Rangam and the famous Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. Lord Vishnu is worshiped there in a reclining form along with His consort, the Goddess Laxmi. The temple complex, occupying 156 acres, was conceived as a cosmic mandala with seven…

  • Paryaya Observed in Udupi

    Last Friday, (January, 18), marked the observance of Paryaya in the temple town of Udupi in south India. Over 700 years ago Shri Madhvacharya, the chief proponent of the Tattvavada or Dwaita school of Vedanta and one of the important philosophers of the bhakti movement, established the Ashta-Mathas (eight monasteries) of Udupi. The heads of…

  • Gopurams in Sepia

    SLIDESHOW: A photo collection of the extraordinary gopurams (temple gates) of South India by Kaustubha das.

  • Portraits from the Kunds of Govardhan

    SLIDESHOW: Portraits from the Kunds of Govardhan: Photos by Gitapriya dasi of some of the residents and pilgrims at the sacred kunds (lakes) at the foot of Govardhan Hill in Vrindavan.

  • Prayers to Govardhan

    PODCAST: Prayers to Govardhan:The prayers of 16th century saint Raghunath das Goswami in glorification of the sacred Govardhan Hill. Chanting by Nityananda das.