Indirect Perception Of Brahman in the Bhagavad-gita

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The Bhagavad-gita’s chapters are replete with references to the discernment of the wise. Contrasts in perception are drawn between the yogi of disciplined mind who sees the truth, and those bewildered by ego who chase the illusions of this world.

But how does one’s vision shift from seeing stones and gold as vastly different, to seeing them as the same? How can one view friends and enemies with an equal eye? How does one perceive God within this world, a recurrent theme in the Gita?

Matthew Dasti’s paper Indirect Perception of Brahman in the Bhagavad-gita uses a contemporary account of indirect seeing to examine religious experience within the Bhagavad-gita. It was originally delivered at the Seventeenth Annual Congress of Vedanta, held at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, September 20-23, 2007.

Kaustubha das

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