Sri Krishna Janmastami


Best wishes to everyone on Sri Krishna Janmastami!

For the occasion I thought I would offer something nice to meditate on in the form of the above painting, by Murlidhara das, and the lyrics to a beautiful song by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura about the desire for Krishna to appear in ones heart. Both the original Bengali and English translations are included.

Kaustubha das

Mama Mana Mandire

by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

(1) mama mana mandire raha nisi-din
krsna murari sri krsna murari

(2) bhakti priti mala candan
tumi nio he nio krsna-nandan

(3) jivana marana tava puja nivedan
sundara he mana-hari

(4) eso nanda-kumar ar nanda-kumar
habe prema-pradipe arati tomar

(5) nayana jamuna jhare anibar
tomara virahe giridhari

(6) bandana gane tava bajuk jivana
krsna murari sri krsna murari


1) Please abide in the temple of my heart
both day and night, O Krsna Murari, O Sri Krsna Murari!

2) Devotion, love, flower garlands, and sandalwood- please accept them,
Delighter of the Heart!

3) In life or in death I worship You with these offerings,
Beautiful One, O Enchanter of the Heart!

4) Come, son of Nanda, and then, O Son of Nanda
I will offer Your arati ceremony with the lamplight of my love.

5) The waters of the Yamuna river cascade incessantly from my eyes
in your separation, O Holder of Govordhana Hill!

6) May I pass my life absorbed only in songs of Your praise, O Krsna Murari, Sri Krsna Murari!

Related Posts: Kirtan Podcast 3: In the Temple of My Heart





2 responses to “Sri Krishna Janmastami”

  1. thilakavathi.b Avatar

    i like it very very very much

  2. niran_cpl Avatar

    It is realy a symbol of our Hindusm